Know someone selling a property? Earn up to 50% of our partnering Sales Agents’ commission or 1% of the property’s sale price – $3,000 – $250,000 when it sells

Earn big money 💰

By telling an agent 🧑🏻‍💼

A mate is selling 🏘️

Dear Neighbours,

We’re investing 1% of every sale into the relationship builders who bring us closer together. Every sale we close, every referral you make, is about more than just real estate as usual – it’s about redistributing wealth to jumpstart the next generation of Australians.

Dear Owners,

Our contributing agents are some of the top performers in Australia. They join us to give back, whether through discounted premium marketing or donating to a charity of your choice. Plus, when you choose to refer yourself, you’ll get that 1% as a discount on your commission.

Dear Agents,

By joining our network, you’re not just closing deals – you’re redefining what it means to be a real estate agent, by giving back to our communities. Thanks to your monthly pledges, we can transform the real estate landscape in Australia, together.

Who are we?

We are the fastest-growing property referral network on the Gold Coast, dedicated to transforming how real estate works by empowering communities and agents alike with the tools to give back.

“We are a movement. A movement that puts wealth back where it belongs: in the hands of the people.

Our contributing realtors are fighting the cost of living crisis by giving back to our communities, one sale at a time.

Herbie Frey, Founder

Join our Network

If you’d like to make a referral, get local market updates, or pledge part of your commission to your local community referrer as a licensed agent, then click the button below.

While we are setting up our contact sheet, if you have a question or referral:

  • You can email us at
  • Or call and message us on 0473399230